Saturday, January 06, 2007

Mansfield Park and the Bush Administration

In the following excerpt from early in the novel, Miss Crawford (who I noted here ) asks Edmund about the estate of Mr. Rushworth, a young man of no good quality (the name now sounds to me like someone worth the stuff one strews on the floor) who has recently come into possession of great wealth:

“I collect,” said Miss Crawford, “that Sotherton is an old place, and a place of some grandeur. In any particular style of building?”

“The house was built in Elizabeth’s time, and is a large, regular, brick building; heavy, but respectable looking, and has many good rooms. It is ill placed. It stands in one of the lowest spots of the park; in that respect, unfavourable for improvement. But the woods are fine, and there is a stream, which, I dare say, might be made a good deal of. Mr. Rushworth is quite right, I think, in meaning to give it a modern dress, and I have no doubt that it will be all done extremely well.”

Miss Crawford listened with submission, and said to herself, “He is a well–bred man; he makes the best of it.”

“I do not wish to influence Mr. Rushworth,” he continued; “but, had I a place to new fashion, I should not put myself into the hands of an improver. I would rather have an inferior degree of beauty, of my own choice, and acquired progressively. I would rather abide by my own blunders than by his.”

As it turns out, making the best of Mr. Rushworth turns out very badly.



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