Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Editors, wanking

This is weird - a stupid and angry post from one of the best bloggers in the sphere. Hopefully just a 5-sigma aberration.


Blogger rilkefan said...

I think John does something useful with whatever power he has - he's a former stalwart conservative who now points out the admin's idiocies on a regular basis. I don't see him looking for cookies - I see him calling the news as he sees it and hosting an energetic community which is interested in a combination of debate and mudslinging. (Plus his co-blogger Tim F. is excellent from any perspective - just providing him a forum is sufficient service in my view.)

And even if he's not that useful, calling him a "grade-A loon" for insufficient fervor is just stupid and angry. Compare your argument to The Editors's - I disagree with your position, but it's just something to argue about, while the latter comes across as, well, unhinged. Next he's going to say Kevin Drum is a menace by being too moderate.

13/7/06 14:43  

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